NoMeat & YesMeat

Project by Jule Jensen & Carolin Hecht
Supervised by Matthias Laschke & Judith Dörrenbächer | Siegen 2022

Minimizing individual meat consumption is a goal that many people consider desirable, but at the same time difficult. However, it would be an important and very effective contribution to the fight against climate change.

Jule Jensen and Carolin Hecht developed "NoMeat" to support consumers. It is a pill that causes a meat allergy for one year. If meat is eaten despite the allergy, the consequences are symptoms such as sickness, stomach aches, and headaches. However, if one wants to eat meat in certain situations, the manufacturer of NoMeat sells another product called "YesMeat". Besides the high cost, the allergy is prolonged more and more by taking YesMeat. An excellent business model or a wonderful reason to stop eating meat.

NoMeat is a design fiction that was created in the seminar 'Sustainable Interaction Design', together with Judith Dörrenbächer. In their work, both students collected responses (e.g., via Instagram, a website, or focus groups) to their product in order to empirically research their fiction and explore the potentials and limitations within the topic.

The work shows how excessive meat consumption is a practice that is difficult to question, despite the existence of alternatives and the immense impact on our environment.